Prime Constel envisions becoming the unique solution providers of information, insight and skills needed for upward mobility of businesses across the globe.


Prime Constel Company acknowledges the rising need of support services in research projects and project management among organizations and institutions, colleges and universities.

Under project planning and management unit, we are involved in carrying out

the following activities: Building organization’s financial management capacities through

grant proposal writing, Developing Strategic plans, Developing Business plans,

Conducting project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E).

Disaster Preparedness & Management. refers to measures taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of disasters. That is, to predict and, where possible, prevent disasters, mitigate their impact on vulnerable populations, and respond to and effectively cope with their consequences. We are provide full service and information on disaster preparedness, resources for disaster victims and advice for homeowners to help smooth the process of recovery. Specific services include emergency management consulting, situational awareness, emergency/disaster planning and all hazard training curricula among others. 

Thematic Areas.

  • Conducting Hazard Training
  • Hazards and disaster assessment
  • Development of contingency plan
  • Advising and developing early warning systems
  • Advising on policy formulation in disaster risk reduction

Proper waste management is a key component that contributes towards safeguarding human and environmental health. We at Prime Constel are committed to helping healthcare organizations to adopt sustainable waste management strategies that optimize profitability without compromising quality of care.

Thematic Areas.

  • Advising on health care waste generation
  • Advising on Health care waste minimization
  • Conducting and advising on healthcare waste removal
  • Advising on healthcare waste transportation
  • Advise on and conduct health care Waste treatment
  • Advising on healthcare Recycling and reuse
  • Healthcare waste Storage, collection, transport, and transfer
  • Advising on healthcare Policy and regulation development
  • Conducting healthcare waste Education and training
  • Developing and designing healthcare waste management Plans and Implementation

The leadership and governance happens at all levels in an institution. Its also called stewardship, is arguably the most complex but critical building block of any institution It requires both political and technical action, because it involves reconciling competing demands for limited resources in changing circumstances. There is no blueprint for effective health leadership and governance. While ultimately it is the responsibility of government, this does not mean all leadership and governance functions have to be carried out by central ministries of health.

We recognize that good leadership and governance is an integral enabler of wiser strategic planning that make systems stronger and resource mobilization that sustains service delivery.

Thematic Areas.

  • Strategy implementation and development advisory
  • Conducting capacity building
  • Advising on appointing, appraising and removing of staffs/members.
  • Monitoring organization stewardship
  • Conducting of oversight of risk and quality policies and procedures
  • Ensuring the firm complies with all relevant regulatory and legal requirements within the operation jurisdiction.

Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity.Gender equality is essential for empowering both women and men and addressing social injustice, promoting economic growth and   eradicating poverty.

Thematic Areas

  • Gender Equality assessments
  • strategy development for resource mobilization
  • Policy formulation for sustainable community development,
  • Developing, testing and promoting appropriate support systems, strategies and models for advocacy and capacity building.

Human nutrition deals with the provision of essential nutrients in food that are necessary to support human life and health. Poor nutrition is a chronic problem often linked to poverty, food security or a poor understanding of nutrition and dietary practices. We support our clients to achieve their objectives in Nutrition through sound technical support either as part of integrated approaches or as an independent project.

Thematic Areas.

  • General maternal and child nutrition,
  • Community Management of Acute Malnutrition,
  • infant and young child nutrition (IYCN),
  • Micronutrients Interventions.
  • HIV and Nutrition (Food by Prescription, PMTCT)
  • Nutrition in Emergencies (NIE)
  • Nutrition Surveys/SMART methodology
  • IYCF/Knowledge Attitude and Practice assessments
  • Nutrition surveillance systems development
  • Nutrition baseline and end line surveys
  • Nutrition program planning
  • Nutrition Coverage surveys (SQUEAC ,SLEAK)
  • Nutrition Strategic planning
  • Nutrition policy development
  • Capacity development in different areas of Nutrition
  • Nutrition costed plan of Action

Public health encompases various pillars. Universal Health care being a gop key priority. Healthy individuals and societies contribute significantly to economic growth and wellness of nations. This is achievable when such individuals and societies are complete in their social, mental and physical well being. In health research, we dig deep into all factors that affect people’s well being and advice on the way forward. Some of the areas that health research will cover are: health care services, gender issues, cultural hindrances, social environments, education and literacy, income and social status, employment and working conditions, physical environments, biology and genetics, social support networks, healthy child development, personal health practices and coping among others.

Health systems strengthening (HSS) has become a top priority of many global and national health agenda. Global health context is increasingly becoming complex, and hence national health systems are beginning to move away from a focus on disease-specific health responses to comprehensive strengthening of health systems.

We are committed to help you achieve in the following pillars of Health Systems strengthening

  • Health Service delivery
  • Human resources for health
  • Medical products, vaccines and technologies
  • Health care Financing
  • Leadership and Governance
  • Health information systems

Need for effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) public health institutions and projects is increasingly recognized as an indispensable tool of both project and portfolio management. There is acknowledged need to improve the performance of development assistance calls for close attention to the provision of management information, both to support the implementation of public health projects and programs and to feed back into the design of new initiatives. M&E also provides a basis for accountability in the use of public health resources.

In order to achieve the success of every viable public health project, a continuous assessment of its implementation in relation to agreed schedules becomes paramount. This helps in identifying whether the right infrastructure is being put in place, if the inputs are well utilized and the services are benefitting the projectbeneficiaries.
This way, the managers and other stakeholders are provided with continuous feedback on implementation and the actual or potential successes and problems as early as possible.
Evaluation will avail information on whether the project remains relevant, its performance, impact and efficiency in relation to the stated objectives.

Our commitment is to walk with you along this path till your public health project fulfills all its intended purpose.

Prime Constel acknowledges the transition from the MDGs to the SDG era that calls for a balance between continuity and a purposed departure from carrying out WASH activities as usual. We have therefore shifted our focus towards newer approaches to WASH development policies, plans and programmes as well as means of implementation and on monitoring progress. The SDG on clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) states; “by 2030, ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”, thus covering all WASH issues-economic, social and environmental sustainability, in a holistic manner. We understand the scope and context of key opportunities, barriers and proposed solutions in the WASH sector to provide sustainable water and sanitation services covering all aspects of WASH. An example of such is our grounding in providing holistic services that cover cost effective approaches that target rural, semi-urban and urban communities (especially the urban poor).This means that apart from supporting governments (both national and county/federal) to strengthen their capacity and systems to provide an enabling environment for WASH services, we also focus on the role of the community in both owning and sustaining WASH activities. We work with and clearly understand/are aware of the different roles of male, female and youth in WASH as well as the communal and health implications of their involvement at local and national levels. We have also been involved in supporting WASH in schools either through technical support to county Ministries of Education and Health.

Our Clients