Need for effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is increasingly recognized as an indispensable tool of both project and portfolio management. There is acknowledged need to improve the performance of development assistance calls for close attention to the provision of management information, both to support the implementation of projects and programs and to feed back into the design of new initiatives. M&E also provides a basis for accountability in the use of development resources.
In order to achieve the success of every viable project, a continuous assessment of its implementation in relation to agreed schedules becomes paramount. This helps in indentifying whether the right infrastructure is being put in place, if the inputs are well utilized and the services are benefiting the project beneficiaries. This way, the managers and other stakeholders are provided with continuous feedback on implementation and the actual or potential successes and problems as early as possible.
Evaluation will avail information on whether the project remains relevant, its performance, impact and efficiency in relation to the stated objectives.
Our commitment is to walk with you along this path till your projects fulfills all its intended purpose.