Prime Constel acknowledges the transition from the MDGs to the SDG era that calls for a balance between continuity and a purposed departure from carrying out WASH activities as usual. We have therefore shifted our focus towards newer approaches to WASH development policies, plans and programmes as well as means of implementation and on monitoring progress. The SDG on clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) states; “by 2030, ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”, thus covering all WASH issues-economic, social and environmental sustainability, in a holistic manner. We understand the scope and context of key opportunities, barriers and proposed solutions in the WASH sector to provide sustainable water and sanitation services covering all aspects of WASH. An example of such is our grounding in providing holistic services that cover cost effective approaches that target rural, semi-urban and urban communities (especially the urban poor).This means that apart from supporting governments (both national and county/federal) to strengthen their capacity and systems to provide an enabling environment for WASH services, we also focus on the role of the community in both owning and sustaining WASH activities. We work with and clearly understand/are aware of the different roles of male, female and youth in WASH as well as the communal and health implications of their involvement at local and national levels. We have also been involved in supporting WASH in schools either through technical support to county Ministries of Education and Health.